Lego building is a big passion of mine

Lego building is a big passion of mine

Hello, I am Yair.

For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated with building things. As a kid, I loved playing with Legos, building houses, cars and ships. Studying Electrical Engineering was a natural path for me to take. I wanted to learn how radios work and build my own antennas.

Later, I became an investor so I could help build solid, innovative companies—companies that really make a difference. And, most recently, I co-founded Extantia Capital, a climate-first investment platform to accelerate the path to decarbonisation.

“Do well by doing good”—if I had to choose a motto for how I seek to live my life, that would be it. I truly believe we can create a world in which everyone lives in a sustainable, equal and prosperous society. That’s why I am passionate about helping entrepreneurs who want to make a big impact in the world.

Over the years, I’ve spent a good deal of time on both sides of the table, as a founder and as an investor. I’ve seen firsthand that, counterintuitive though it may be, having a great, novel technology or far-superior product is not enough to guarantee commercial success. 

We engineering types may want to believe that decisions are based on rational calculations alone. Yet, in every transaction (even B2B), decision-making comes down to people—and people tend to follow their feelings.

That’s why relying on facts and figures to present a state-of-the-art product, innovative service or detailed business plan doesn’t work. To succeed, you have to augment logic with emotion. As I’ve seen again and again, the best way to do this is to build an authentic, well-crafted and attractively-designed story around what you are doing. Stories, after all, are what drive people to act.

I work with start-up founders, CEOs and leadership teams, to help them achieve their dreams. Be it building a pitch deck, crafting a sales narrative, or serving as a strategic advisor, my goal is always the same. Let’s get better, so that together, we can make a difference. 
